A Special Thank You: The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Great Strides Event!

Cystic fibrosis foundation walk at the Brevard Zoo in Melbourne Florida

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Great Strides Walk at the Brevard Zoo: Photograph taken by Dawn Aiello Photography

Hello, MLindawrites family! My mother, Anthony, and I had the incredible opportunity to participate in the Great Strides walk hosted by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation at the Brevard Zoo in Melbourne, Florida, on May 4th, 2024!

Anthony was born with cystic fibrosis and was diagnosed at birth. We had never been to a Great Strides walk and were excited to go!

We extend a heartfelt thank you to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation for inviting us to this event! The Zoo was celebrating its 30th anniversary of opening, and it was so much fun to join in and celebrate!

Although it rained on and off (Don’t mind my hair!), that didn’t stop all of us from having a great time together. Our warm welcome upon arriving made us feel like we found a long-lost home.

I recently wrote an article for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, which you can check out here.

Team Anthony and I wanted to express our gratitude by creating a thoughtful music video about cystic fibrosis. My musical stage name is Musical Linda

I sing on YouTube and other social media platforms, collaborating with various musicians and producers on Bandlab.

Anthony recorded his vocals when he was seven years old. After seeing the cystic fibrosis community come together, we were inspired to make this video.

The idea for this video was born after our wonderful experience that day. 

We hope you enjoy the video and will help us spread awareness by sharing it with others.

Anthony and I will also continue to create more songs and artwork.

We look forward to utilizing our skills and talents to enlighten and uplift others, which is our mission.

CF Life: A song by the author Marlenny Linda and her son Anthony Xavier about the ups and downs of cystic fibrosis life.

The Start of a New Journey With the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

It was our first time visiting the Brevard Zoo in Melbourne, Florida, and I was thrilled that my mom could join us. However, we arrived a bit late, at 8:40 AM, due to GPS signals going out.

As soon as we arrived, it felt like we had always belonged there.

We found a second home!

The staff and team from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation were incredibly kind and helpful, guiding us to the right direction.

I made fantastic connections and wanted to thank Spencer Reid, the development director, for inviting us and hosting the event.

In addition, I want to thank Dawn Asiello for these amazing event photographs and for giving me permission to use them. Connecting with everyone there felt fantastic!

We enjoyed a wonderful breakfast banquet, and everyone was happy and supportive.

We now have awesome souvenirs and t-shirts to wear, representing Anthony and spreading awareness.

The event was an excellent blend of fun, community spirit, and a powerful message of hope.

Seeing many families and supporters unite to raise awareness and fund cystic fibrosis research touched my heart.

The Brevard Zoo in Melbourne is a Fantastic Place for Families to Visit!

bravard zoo great strides walk for the cystic fibrosis foundation

The Brevard Zoo provided the perfect backdrop for the walk. 

My mother also enjoyed seeing all of the animals with Anthony. It was wonderful to see them having a great time at the Zoo.

Wandering past amazing animals from all over the world while taking steps towards a cure was an unforgettable experience. 

It was a great way to engage the whole family and motivate everyone throughout the walk.

Moreover, the event served as a powerful reminder of the incredible work being done by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. 

Thanks to their dedication and the support of countless individuals, tremendous progress has been made in the fight against cystic fibrosis.

We are incredibly grateful for participating in this year’s Great Strides walk.

The atmosphere was electric, filled with a shared determination to make a difference.

We look forward to participating again next year and continuing the fight for a cure!

Stepping Up for a Cure: Great Strides Makes a Difference

The Great Strides walk organized by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is not just a casual walk in the park – it’s a significant step towards finding a cure for cystic fibrosis.

This annual event brings together communities nationwide to raise essential funds for cystic fibrosis research.

I love the message of the mission of the Great Strides, and the support from the Nemours team makes this fight more manageable. 

Imagine a world where cystic fibrosis is no longer a threat. Great Strides is working tirelessly to make that dream a reality. By participating in these walks, you’ll get some exercise and join a movement for change.

I am proud to join the fight against cystic fibrosis, and now you can, too!

Find a Great Strides walk near you and take a step toward a brighter future for those living with this illness.

Seeing members from the Nemours Team also made it a wonderful experience. It was amazing to see everyone together enjoying family time.

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A Special Thank You to The Nemours Team for Your Awesome Cystic Fibrosis Care

cystic fibrosis great strides event

Photograph taken by Dawn Aiello Photography

In addition, I visit two Nemours locations with Anthony every few months to ensure my CF warrior is updated with his care routine. Both locations offer wonderful service and always have Anthony’s best interest at heart.

Thank you to the cystic fibrosis care teams at Nemours Children’s Health, including the Downtown clinic and Lake Nona Hospital near Orlando, Florida!

Your dedication and expertise in caring for Anthony have made a difference. It was great to see familiar faces there!

We are so grateful for your:

  • Knowledge and Compassion: Thank you for explaining things clearly and patiently answering all our questions.
  • Personalized Care: We appreciate the individualized care plan you’ve developed for Anthony, addressing his specific needs.
  • Constant Support: Thank you for always being there for us, offering guidance and encouragement every step of the way.

Furthermore, words cannot express our gratitude for your amazing care. You are truly making a difference in Anthony’s life.

The Brevard Zoo Was Absolutely Beautiful!

Brevard zoo trip for the cystic fibrosis foundation great strides

Photograph taken by Dawn Aiello Photography

The Brevard Zoo was the perfect venue for the event. Walking past amazing animals worldwide while taking steps towards a cure was an unforgettable experience.

Most importantly, the event served as a powerful reminder of the remarkable work being done by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

Thanks to their dedication and the support of countless individuals, significant progress has been made in the fight against cystic fibrosis.

We are incredibly grateful for participating in this year’s Great Strides walk.

The atmosphere was beautiful, filled with a shared determination to make a difference. We look forward to joining again next year and continuing the fight for a cure!

A special thank you to:

  • Spencer Reid and The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation for organizing such a well-run and inspiring event.
  • The volunteers who gave their time and energy to make the walk a success.
  • The Nemours Team for their devoted care to all CF warriors.
  • Everyone who donated and participated – your contributions are truly making a difference!
  • Together, we can continue to take great strides towards a cure for cystic fibrosis.
  • Linda, for gathering my information; I can’t wait to help you with anything you need!

Thank you from Team Anthony! Help support Team Anthony here! Together, we will defeat the CF life one day at a time.

Mother and son hugging on the left side and my son is standing next to his feeding machine with his pump bag full of peptamen jr.

Enjoy these cool images of the animals at the zoo! I had so much fun with my mom and Anthony.

It was my mom’s first time at the zoo, and it was a memorable experience for all of us.

Brevard zoo for the cystic fibrosis great strides walk
cystic fibrosis foundation great strides event!

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Marlenny Linda is more than just a writer; she's a passionate bilingual advocate for families with children with medical conditions. With a background in teaching English (TESOL/TEFL) and a Bachelor of Science in Liberal Arts, she crafts engaging, SEO-optimized content that informs, inspires, and connects with these families.

Her specialty is long-form content, where she dives deep into the topics that matter most, from navigating educational resources to fostering a fulfilling life for your child. Marlenny's innovative approach keeps audiences engaged and coming back for more.

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