Single Mom Advice: 10 Quick Things To Start Today!

I am commonly asked by people in person or online for single mom advice. Getting lost in the busload of information all around is easy for many people.

There are various ways to parent, and not every approach is ideal.

Today, there is a world of information that did not exist before, and we can learn so much!

Here are ten quick tips for single moms to make your days smoother.

The best thing is you can start them today and save time and money!

With these ten tips you will discover:

  • The importance of self-care and money saving tips
  • The value of setting boundaries
  • Time saving life hacks
  • Lastly, the power of saying ‘no’ when necessary

1. It’s OK to Have Time For You: Prioritize Bills and Finances

Sometimes, in our desire to do so much for our children, we forget to care for ourselves. I’ve seen this happen repeatedly.

I realized that while they were happy, I was not. So, I decided to dedicate one day each week to do something special just for myself. This way, I can continue being the best mom I can be.

Also, prioritize your bills and finances. Make a budget and set your bills to auto-pay. Your bank account will thank you later.

Plan a fun outing a few times a month that will not break the bank that your children will love.

2. The Power of a Daily Routine! Getting Organized!

Finding a daily routine and involving your kids makes you feel like a super hero!

Use things like google calender, cork boards, wall calender’s, and to do lists (freebies, sign up below!) to create an unchaotic environment.

I found that when I was fulfilled by my tasks, my children were, too. They began to copy and complete tasks the same way I do.

Celebrate with vegan ice cream and a fun weekend when Friday finally rolls around.

Getting organized is the best way to spare yourself from headaches and barking constant reminders.

3. Google is Not the Answer for Everything, Seriously lol

single mom advice in a book stating the definition of a single mom

Like many people around the world, I have a serious addiction to Google. However, I’ve realized that Google isn’t the solution to everything.

It can overwhelm you with information overload and increase your anxiety during your journey as a single parent.

Instead, I’ve found that seeking advice from trusted friends, family, or professionals.

Most importantly, praying about it—can lead to more meaningful and personalized solutions.

4. Not Everyone’s Single Mom Journey is the Same: Join Support Groups

Join Facebook groups for single parents and tell your story. You’ll be amazed at how many people connect with you via this app.

This diversity allows us to learn from one another, making our journeys unique.

Just remember, not everyone’s parenting experience is the same.

Other mothers may share a similar journey! Don’t be afraid to reach out and connect!

Quit googling for solutions when you can instead conect to real people with real solutions versus opinions. (I need to take my own advice more) 😉

5. Your Kids Can Help You With Light Chores Around The House

People believe that children should be spoiled rotten and never have to pick up a broom or vaccum.

WRONG! Spoil them after they have completed their chores to offer a sense of reward to them.

Kids love to help out around the house if you start them from a young age. These are things no one told us when we became new mothers.

You can start your kids very young!

6. Plan Meals and Family Time With Your Children

As a single mom, getting flawless dinners out each night is tricky.

Take time to plan and create memorable moments with your child. Have them cook and prepare meals with you that inspire your whole family.

When you have leftovers you can kick your feet up and play a board game instead of cooking every single night.

Creating a list of meals you all enjoy will make the process less tedious and you can rotate ideas every 2-3 nights.

Make a game of it and have your child pick a meal from a shoe box and see what dinner will be that night!

7. Patience is a Virtue for a Single Mom

Single Mom holding her daughter looking sad yet smiling

Patience is one of the hardest lessons I’ve had to learn in my life, especially as a single mother of a child with cystic fibrosis and ADHD.

Toggling an older child makes it slightly more challenging.

It’s far from an easy journey.

There are days when I feel like I’m at my breaking point, but I remind myself that patience is a virtue.

As my son gets older, things are becoming a bit easier.

Remember, everything and every moment is temporary. Don’t take a single minute for granted.

8. It’s OK to Turn Down Dates, Yes, Even the Super Handsome Ones!

People often judge desirable single mothers, assuming they are available to date. This can take significant time and energy away from you.

Remember, you don’t have to date if you don’t want to. Just because people see you online doesn’t mean you are available.

Taking a break from dating can actually make you happier. Focusing on yourself is important, especially when you have a child with medical conditions.

It’s wise to avoid introducing a new partner to your child for at least six months to a year.

During this time, you can get to know the person better and assess whether they will be a positive presence in your life.

If you do decide to date, take your time and prioritize your well-being and that of your child.

9. Sleep and Naps Are Your Best Friend for New Mama’s

single mom advice, get outdoors. Single mom and daughter smiling happy in front of a pool

I hated naps as a child, but now I treasure them. The idea of “beauty rest” is real—getting at least eight hours of sleep.

Sometimes, even a two-hour nap on the weekend can rejuvenate your mind in ways that are hard to describe.

When I neglect sleep, I become more emotional and withdrawn, which isn’t good for me or my child.

Confession: I am addicted to learning new things on YouTube. However, this can interrupt your sleep if you bring your phone to bed.

Instead, set it far away from you each night to avoid doom scrolling.

The app has a cut-off time option to get the rest you need.

I love learning, connecting, and hearing about other people’s journeys; these stories enrich my experience and make life more meaningful.

Embracing restful sleep so that you can continue to be the warrior you are!

10. Nature is Powerful and Healing, Get Outdoors

Lastly, the best single mom advice yet is nature.

Nature surrounds us, yet people always feel like they have to enclose themselves inside the house. Single parents are very guilty of this.

I used to be one of those because I feared Anthony getting germs.

When you have a child with a medical condition like cystic fibrosis, you tend to withdraw yourself from large social gatherings.

However, I faced my fears, and you can too. Now I go to the park or stroll outside with my son, and it’s so peaceful.

We walk through different neighborhoods, and we notice different trees and surroundings.

It’s just a lovely thing to do, and it’s free. You get vitamin D from the sun, and you’re not stuck in the house if you don’t like the sun or have light sensitivity.

Take an evening stroll if it’s a beautiful night. You can see the stars so clearly!


Being a young single mom can be challenging. The single mom advice I am giving you today has helped me immensely, and I know it will help you, too.

Between finding time for yourself, telling potential dates you don’t wanna go out, or endlessly searching Google for answers, take a mental break.

We’ve all been there. This list will help you navigate the challenges of single parenting.

I am a young single mom and know what you’re going through.

Walk outside in nature, smell the roses, and thank the Lord for the day because we don’t know when our last day will be.

Remember that we can’t do it all! Kick up your feet and relax with a nice quiet book or activity.

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Marlenny Linda is more than just a writer; she's a passionate bilingual advocate for families with children with medical conditions. With a background in teaching English (TESOL/TEFL) and a Bachelor of Science in Liberal Arts, she crafts engaging, SEO-optimized content that informs, inspires, and connects with these families.

Her specialty is long-form content, where she dives deep into the topics that matter most, from navigating educational resources to fostering a fulfilling life for your child. Marlenny's innovative approach keeps audiences engaged and coming back for more.

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