How To Make an Ocean Sensory Bin For Summer Fun!

Hello, MLindawrites family! Are you looking for a terrific way to entertain your little ones this summer? An ocean sensory bin is a water sensory bin. It is one of the best summer activities for kids and a good idea for keeping everyone cool.

As an online TESOL English teacher, I have found that there are various activities your kids can try all summer long! In this post, explore the numerous benefits of a water sensory bin.

I’m thrilled to share this captivating topic with you!

Anthony, my 10-year-old son, is a water enthusiast. For Anthony, a water sensory bin provides entertainment and alleviates anxiety, enhancing communication and comprehension. 

However, it’s important to note that this activity may not be suitable for very young children who are still at risk of putting small objects in their mouths.

Always consider your child’s age and developmental stage when planning sensory play activities.

During the summer months, when a trip to the beach might not be possible, creating a water sensory bin is a fantastic way for children to embark on a magical journey into the ocean’s depths. 

This hands-on activity is not just a learning experience but a delightful adventure that you and your little ones can embark on together.

It will spark joy and excitement as you discover the wonders of the ocean in your own backyard.

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Fun Summer Activities For Kids Await!

fun sea animals summer activities for kids

With an easy-to-make DIY ocean sensory bin, you can immerse yourself in an underwater adventure in the comfort of your backyard or kitchen. 

There’s no need to go to the beach when you can bring it to you. You’ll save on gas, time, and stressful packing!

In addition, it’s important to note that this activity can get messy, especially if your child is particularly enthusiastic about playing with water (Anthony). 

So, be prepared for some clean-up afterward, with a few towels and a change of clothes. Get ready for a fantastic underwater journey!

This engaging activity sparks curiosity and imagination. It also plays a crucial role in developing essential sensory and motor skills. 

By creating an ocean sensory bin, you’re providing entertainment for your child and a valuable educational tool that aids in their overall development, empowering you with the knowledge of its benefits. 

Join me in discovering summer activities for kids and innovative ways to create a fantastic sensory play experience for your kids today!

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Dive Into Summer With A Fun Ocean Sensory Bin: A DIY Underwater Adventure

My son Anthony doing fun sensory activities related to water sensory bin and ocean animals. water sensory bin


  • Large bin or container
  • Water
  • Blue food coloring (optional)
  • Colorful pipe cleaners 
  • Green food coloring (optional)
  • Ocean animal toys (fish, dolphins, sharks, etc.)
  • Colored growing Sea animals to grow (optional)
  • Scoops, cups, and other tools for play
  • Optional additions: shells, pebbles, aquarium plants
  • NO WATER BEADS (read below to learn more)

Caution, Safety First:

Constant supervision is imperative when engaging young children in sensory play. A crucial safety measure is ensuring all toys and equipment are suitable for their age group and free from small, detachable parts that may cause choking. 

By being vigilant and following these guidelines, you can provide your child with a secure and safe play environment, giving you peace of mind. 

When using food coloring, ensure you choose a non-toxic variety. Exercise caution to prevent contact with clothing or surfaces, as it can potentially leave stubborn stains.

The Dangers of Water Beads For a Water Sensory Bin:

image of beads and food coloring

Not an image of water beads! These are mancala marbles. 🙂

I recently read an article by that bead lady that greatly concerned me. I was completely unaware of the potential hazards of these beads!

As a longtime user of water beads, I have fortunately not experienced any issues. I used them for my kids, ages five and up, because I feared they would eat them. 

As parents, we seek summer activities that will be safe and entertaining for kids.

These beads are beautiful but toxic. Specifically, I am alarmed by the possibility of ingestion through the nose, ear, or mouth, as this can lead to continued growth within a child’s body and cause serious harm.

Water beads, often found in sensory bins and toys, pose severe risks to babies, toddlers, and children. These small, colorful beads can easily be mistaken for candy and swallowed, leading to life-threatening consequences.

Once ingested, water beads absorb moisture and expand significantly, causing intestinal blockages, vomiting, and dehydration. Itis terrible!! Ocean sensory bins should be a fun and safe activity.

They may not show up on X-rays, making diagnosis and treatment difficult. Additionally, some water beads contain acrylamide, a potentially toxic chemical.

Dangers for Older and Younger Siblings: Potential Fun Alternatives

Children under three are particularly vulnerable due to their tendency to put objects in their mouths.

Even older children can be at risk if they mistake water beads for food or if younger siblings access them.

To ensure children’s safety, avoid using water beads in any environment where they are present. 

If you suspect a child has ingested water beads, seek immediate medical attention.

Remember, these seemingly harmless toys can be deadly to young tots, so it’s crucial to be vigilant and prioritize safety.

Please be safe this summer, MLindawrites family.

In addition, if you are seeking fun alternatives, look no further!

There are plenty of fun ways to make edible water beads, like this fantastic and creative alternative by Growing A Jewel Rose, which I found on Pinterest.

Check it out!

Growing A Jeweled Rose

Instructions For Fun Water Sensory Bin time

1. Prepare The Bin of Your Choice

To begin your Ocean Sensory bin activity, fill a container with water to mimic the ocean’s hue. Seeing the blue food coloring droplets land in the water and gradually blend in is captivating.

My son is fascinated by watching the water change colors.

A touch of green food dye can enhance the aesthetics, resulting in a mesmerizing blend of blue and green hues.

This harmonious combination demonstrates the beauty of the ocean, creating a visually stunning effect.

The amount of coloring can be adjusted to achieve your desired shade, allowing you to personalize your artistic creation.

I aim to use 2-3 drops of blue food dye. It is potent and gives the water a cerulean blue beach paradise appeal.

I’ll experiment with the green and blue together this weekend.

2. Add The Ocean Sea Animals

ocean animals for ocean sensory bin

Introduce your collection of sea animal toys to the bin. Let your child choose their favorites and encourage them to name each creature.

This activity can be an excellent opportunity for your child to practice communication and social skills. 

You can also use this opportunity to discuss different types of sea animals and their habitats.

It can help your child learn new things and develop their understanding of the world around them. 

Anthony loves to watch things grow, so I got him these cute-colored sea animals to grow in the water for the next three to four days before we change the water to fresh water.

In the meantime, I place them in cute jars so Anthony can see his little underwater friends growing and shrinking all summer.

He is never bored of this!

3. Enhance the Experience

Add shells, pebbles, and aquarium plants to the bin for a more realistic underwater world.

I created fun little spirals out of the pipe cleaners, and Anthony used some to pretend to go fishing

These elements provide additional textures and visual interest, making the sensory experience more engaging. 

Add glowsticks to enhance the enchanting ambiance as the sun sets and dusk approaches.

Witness a magical scenery unfold, captivating your senses and leaving you awe-inspired.

4. Let the Exploration Begin

Invite your child to explore the ocean sensory bin.

Encourage them to use scoops and cups to transfer water, create waves, and interact with the sea animals. 

You can also prompt them to make sounds for the animals or create short stories about their underwater adventures. 

Telling short stories during imaginary play makes the activity more fun and encourages your child to use their imagination and creativity. 

It can be a great way for your child to express their creativity and imagination and to develop their storytelling skills.

Great adventures await!

5. Extend the Learning

Introduce new vocabulary words while engaging your child in sensory play related to the ocean and its creatures.

Discuss concepts such as buoyancy, movement, and the various habitats found in the sea. 

Counting, sorting, and color recognition activities should also be incorporated to enhance the learning experience.

Tips and Variations for Ocean Sensory Bins

colorful pipe cleaners for summer activities for kids
  • To enhance the sensory experience, add ice cubes to the bin, symbolizing icebergs floating in the water.
  • Create a “coral reef” by adding colorful sponges or crumpled tissue paper.
  • Using a flashlight, illuminate the depths of a watery realm, unveiling mesmerizing shadows and transforming your aquatic adventure into an enchanting underwater light show.
  • Freeze some sea animals in ice cubes for a fun melting activity.
  • Play fun games like Ocean Clean Up with your kids so they can learn to conserve nature.
  • Tip: After this game, you may have to change the water to a fresh batch.

Additional Tips:

  • Theme It: For a more captivating play, consider choosing a focused ocean theme, like pirates, mermaids, or deep-sea creatures, to enhance the overall experience.
  • Anthony wanted a deep sea creatures fishing adventure, which is precisely what we did.
  • Change It Up: To maintain the novelty and excitement of your playtime, consider periodically rearranging the items in the container.
  • Add Sensory Elements: Create a multi-sensory environment by incorporating various textures, colors, and scents, enhancing the overall sensory experience.
  • Make It a Learning Experience: Employ the bin as an educational tool to instruct children about various aspects of ocean life, including marine habitats and the significance of conservation efforts.

Make a Splash With Water Sensory Bins: Fun Summer Activities For Kids

water sensory bin

If you would like to make a splash this summer, here is the activity:

Engaging in water sensory bins with your child can be a delightful experience.

One enjoyable activity is “Ocean Cleanup,” a game that teaches the importance of protecting the environment.

Engage your children in an exciting environmental learning experience by turning your ocean sensory bin into a cleanup game.

Add small pieces of “trash” like crumpled paper, bottle caps, or plastic straws to the bin, simulating ocean pollution. 

Provide kids with tools such as tongs, scoops, or nets, empowering them to “clean up” the ocean.

This playful activity enhances their sensory development and instills a sense of environmental responsibility from a young age. 

As they remove the trash, they discuss the importance of keeping the ocean clean and how pollution harms marine life.

You can even create separate containers to sort the collected trash, introducing concepts like recycling and waste disposal. 

This interactive game provides sensory fun and raises awareness about environmental issues.

Anthony loves to rescue the sea animals and give them a cleaner home by changing the water.

Water Sensory Bin Summer Activities For Kids

grow sea animals for summer activities for kids

Remember, sensory play is all about exploring and having fun.

Let your kids’ imaginations run wild, and they will have a blast with their ocean sensory bin this summer! 

An ocean sensory bin is a fantastic way to beat the summer heat and introduce your child to the wonders of the underwater world.

With a little creativity and some simple materials, you can create an unforgettable sensory play experience that will ignite your child’s curiosity and imagination.

So dive in and let the ocean adventure begin!

This blog post helps you create a fantastic ocean sensory bin for your little ones.

Let me know if you have any questions or need further assistance.

Enjoy your summer, and if you’re looking for more fun, check out these fun posts below!

Resources used for this article: The Dangers of Water Beads Water Beads Are Deadly

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Marlenny Linda is more than just a writer; she's a passionate bilingual advocate for families with children with medical conditions. With a background in teaching English (TESOL/TEFL) and a Bachelor of Science in Liberal Arts, she crafts engaging, SEO-optimized content that informs, inspires, and connects with these families.

Her specialty is long-form content, where she dives deep into the topics that matter most, from navigating educational resources to fostering a fulfilling life for your child. Marlenny's innovative approach keeps audiences engaged and coming back for more.

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